Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Kirana Jauhari

Ni baju regular customer aku. Sape lagi kalau bukan Nono Idayu. She is a huge fan of manik yang sarat2 ni.

Kokoa Orange Bar

Ni baju beli siap tapi aku tak berpuas hati dengan jahitan maniknya yang terlampau simple. Jadi aku pun bukak semua jahitan dia and jahit balik dengan touch aku yang entah apa2 ntah. Jadilah dia kokoa orange bar.

Apple Red Highway (manik tabur)

Heeee.... ni antara baju paling hodoh yang aku jahit i think. Masa ni saya budak baru belajar kalau salah tolong tunjukkan. Sebab tu lah main jahit manik tabur je. Tak kemas langsung. Tapi tak pelah, inilah permulaannya. Kenangan terindahku menjahit manik.

Pretty Green Wave

Choco Flora

Design ni pulak aku buat masa boring2 duduk kat kampung kelantan. Masa tu Mama pegi kerja, Larra pulak tidur petang ... hhmmm.... baju kosong terpampang je depan mata. Jadik je lah..

Purple Pink Garden

Design ni mula2 aku main hentam je. Makin lama aku merapu tengok2 jadilah jugak walaupun tak berapa cantik. Aku tanya tuan empunya baju dia kata dia suka sangat. So, aku teruskan jelah. Ni baju regular customer merangkap kawan baik aku.. Nono Idayu.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Manjalarra Jasmine

ni diciplak dari kak noraini. Thanx to her. Tapi aku ubah bunga dia. Nama dia pulak , biasalah... mesti aku amik nama buah hati aku.... Larra jasmine.

Bunga berangkai

Ni pulak jahitan manik bunga berangkai. Aku dapat idea mula2 daripada gate jiran mak mertua aku kat kelantan.heee... gate rumah orang pun jadi kan? hhmmm... dah minat ...

Manik beriring rainbow jasmine

Manik beriring spider web

Well, besides managing my own network.... i just can't resist my passion in beading work. I love to see all sorts of luxury beads designs stitched on baju kurung or kebaya or even dresses. I did'nt attend any classes yet still can do it by my own all because i"m really into it. So, here are some of my designs. If u guys interested in any of those design or any other designs u see outside there... do not hesitate to call me yah. aiza 019 6211404. Enjoy.....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

17 Jan.... meaningful day in my life

Of course it was so meaningful to me as there were 2 special thing held that day. After all the hassle, obstacles and pain me and my beloved went through, we at last achieved what we aimed in our business. a trillion thanx to our best friend and partner, Nono and Ajak. We might be nowhere without their help and full support. Also to all my partners.... thank u so much. Stand together, achieve together, together we win. And it became much more special as my beloved eldest sister celebrating her birthday on the same day. happy birthday Along. love yah.. mmuuaahhhh to all.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bestfriend forever

The history behind it is freaking funny. We start from Tanty, she was so arrogant at the first time i said hi to her. Ye lah kan... dia senior masa tu and i was so fresh. Same goes with Elly... dia pun jenis yang macam sombong. Sepatah aku tanya sepatahlah jugak yang dia jawab. Yaya pulak dari dulu memang aku suka dia tapi.... dia pulak tak suka kat aku. Dia kata aku macam kekwat sikit. Bodoh punya Yaya. Hams .... aku suka mengata dia dulu. heeee... aku suka ejek cara dia jalan. Hilal... haa... budak ni memang sangatlah ramah tamah, so no wonder dia jadi bestfriend aku. Hesu... heee... she is everybody's favourite. Look quit innocent but..... she crazy as well. hhmm....Moba pulak, dia samalah macam Yaya... dialah kawan Yaya sama2 mengumpat aku dulu. Simo and Anna.... they all ni memang sweet. tak macam hantu2 yang lain2 ni. hhaa... lagi sorang, Zera. dia ni memang nampak macam baik tapi mulut dia ya Allah... laser tak ingat jugak kadang.

So.. when i came in trade 2 process... i know that all my thoughts bout them before this are totally wrong. now we became so close and i miss them so much. Sekarang masing2 dah di tempat kerja yang jauh from each other. Aku ngan Yaya lagilah... tak keje langsung. But im so sure that how far we are sitting from each other pun..... this friendship never be ended. love u guys so much. mmuuaahhhh

Miracle happened to me on the 11 August 2007

11 august 2007 is the most memorable day for me. Alhamdulillah after 45 minutes struggling with the heavy contraction, i had safely gave birth to my princess Larra Jasmine Hafiz. She is so charming , gorgeous and.... entahlah.... i can't imagine how happy i was at the first time i heard to her cry... like a heaven. Terima kasih pada husband ku yang tercintun sebab aku tak dapat imagine whether i can go through the pain without him or not. Tak sesaat pun dia tinggalkan aku masa aku tahan sakit bersalin Larra. Masa tu hanya aku dan dia berdua. Mak, ayah, mama belum sampai lagi. Bila they all sampai2 je... everything dah selamat. Nurse pun dah mandikan Larra... aku pun dah fresh.... but my husband kesian. He was so tired that day. Sweet old day....

Introduction of "De germ of my life"

Hafiz Izwan... a man that always brighten my life. Never feel tired to fulfill my dream and make me happy every single second. Sayang.... thanx for everything. I love u so much honey.

Larra Jasmine.... she is my everything. She is the most wonderful, miracle and precious things that ever happened in my life. Syukur alhamdulillah. Mummy selalu doa pada Allah supaya dimurahkan rezeki ... so that i can give u only the best thing and u would turn up to be only the best person di dunia dan akhirat. Inshaallah......


she is my bestfriend ... yaya. she taught me lots of IT stuff and this ... my first blog ever is included. million thanx to u yaya and i want u to know that i'm missing every single moment we went through. mmuuaahhhh